Gerald (Jerry) Gietka

Worcester County Arts Council Board of Directors - Director

Jerry enjoyed different careers throughout his life; anything from driving a truck, to writing law, to teaching at the University. Currently, he is a writer. After completing his education, earning an MBA and an Honorary Doctorate, Jerry entered public service managing various statewide programs and drafting legislative and administrative laws for the Maryland Department of the Environment as a content expert. At the same time, he designed and taught a graduate-level course for the University of Maryland's UMUC (now UMGC). 

After his retirement in 2003, Jerry has served on various boards from local community theaters and recreation councils to the American Breast Cancer Foundation. He has also returned to his earlier love of the arts by acting, directing, and producing. 

Having appeared in over 1,000 performances, Jerry Gietka has worked on stage, film, radio, and television, as an actor and director.

Most recently, Jerry published his memoir, "I Like Me Now", available on Amazon and in major bookstores.